David Eigenberg
“In life, and in many lives, gun violence has tragically taken those we love away from us. It is a brutality that is delivered in an unthinking, unloving and impulsive moment that pervades in so many lives in our country. It has mine.
Gun Violence is a failure of communication and a failure of our society.
This film has been brought together by a family of man that loves and has hopes for a better tomorrow if we can only try to understand each other. and never have violence as an answer.
With a gut wrenching script, written and directed by Patricia Frontain, we were all asked to come forward as a cast and crew to deliver this difficult and heartbreaking story. It was a privilege and an honor to be a part of this story even though it is filled with loss and regret, pain and suffering, from all sides. This eye opening short film offers a view into the inhumanity of violence at the hands of the sometimes “Unknowing” people.
I know this film, with all its power, honesty and underlying love, can be a force to help end this senseless violence.”
JP McAllister
“I have walked similar paths as the young men depicted in UNKNOWING so to be able to help bring the story to light in such an amazing way was an incredible experience.”